Looking for a website for your business? The search can get intense, we know because we have been doing this for over 15 years, and through those years we have heard just about every story to the moon and back. We want to save you some, or better yet, A LOT of trouble. Pick up […]
Continue ReadingDo you have your facebook, twitter, or instagram link posted on your website? Did you know that if you ever change your facebook, twitter, or instagram name you also change the link to that account? So if you are providing your social media links on your website, that will now go to a dead link, […]
Continue ReadingImagine that you have a physical storefront for your small business. It’s a small but modestly sized store on a busier street in your town. Nestled in between other small businesses you have a great storefront, great product and are setup for success. DO YOU… A) Take pride in what your business looks like – […]
Continue Reading15 years ago we opened our doors, and it still remains true today that no amount of money can buy things like honesty, integrity, morals, and simply doing what is right. It’s a BIG part of what has made us successful here at WebLeaps. At WebLeaps, you’re not just another customer. We know you, and […]
Continue ReadingWhy would anyone ever install a website in a subdirectory – and then leave it that way? It’s not good news. Typically, your website domain will look something like www.YourWebsiteDomainName.com. If it looks something like www.YourWebsiteDomainName.com/site, you have reason to be worried. This typically indicates that your “website designer” has no clue what they’re doing. […]
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