Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
Imagine that you have a physical storefront for your small business. It’s a small but modestly sized store on a busier street in your town. Nestled in between other small businesses you have a great storefront, great product and are setup for success.
A) Take pride in what your business looks like – keeping the floors swept, putting signage in the window, greeting customers with a cheerful hello, and switching out old products when new ones become available.
B) Not maintain your store – never clean or dust, don’t put a sign up, not say hello to people that stop in, and you don’t replace products even if they’re years old and out of date.
Sometimes with a visual walk through like that, it’s easier to understand why we stress the importance of having an up to date and functional website. Your website IS your online storefront. Whether you have a physical storefront and a website, or just a website, your website is what people see as your business storefront online. They will make assumptions and judge your business on the quality of content and photos. Do you have spelling mistakes on your website? Are your photos blurry? Are your services or prices up to date? All of these things say a lot about your business.
A website is not “just a website”. For many customers it will be their first point of contact with your business. Are you showing your business in the best light? Would YOU buy your products/services if you were a customer coming to your website?
There are many ways to advertise, market, brand, or put your business on the map in today’s world. Yet having a well-designed functional website still remains at the top. Dollar for dollar a website will be one of your most cost effective methods of advertising and communication for your customer. Yes, it’s a cost – but so is having a physical store front, phone number, inventory, or employees.
If your website is built correctly, the information kept up to date, and it is being utilized correctly it will pay itself back and more. – That’s where WebLeaps comes in. We can connect those dots while letting your customers want to reach out to you for your services. Partner with WebLeaps today!